Cheryl Cole's very messy divorce secrets revealed

Cheryl Cole never thought her marriage to Ashley Cole would end

Cheryl Cole once believed she'd raise a family with Ashley Cole at their six-bedroom mansion in Surrey.

But when she finally realised Ashley, 31, was not the husband of her dreams, she turned her back on their love nest for good.

'She left the marital home in a real state,' claims Ashley's pal.

'There were empty sachets of ketchup and dirty knickers all over the house and an animal had got in through an open door.'

Apparently the only thing Cheryl, 29, took was a photo of her and Simon Cowell.

Good for her!

Read more about Cheryl Cole in Now magazine dated 5 November 2012 - out now!

SEE PICTURES Cheryl Cole and new boyfriend Tre Holloway match on date night in London

SEE PICTURES Cheryl Cole's hair history - cornrows to curls

SEE PICTURES Cheryl Cole's style file