Cheryl Cole reveals how charity will help struggling schoolkids

London, July 12 (ANI): Cheryl Cole, who had launched her own charity in collaboration with The Prince's Trust following a meeting with The Prince of Wales in February 2011, has revealed how it aims to help schoolkids who are struggling in her native north east.

The 29-year-old singer hoped to help young people who were suffering in their day-to-day lives in the UK, and recently paid a visit to her home town to see how the Cheryl Cole Foundation is working.

"I had a tough upbringing and didn't have many privileges as a child. I classed that as normal because it was all I'd ever known," the Mirror quoted her as saying.

"I know what disadvantaged young people go through. I understand it. I get it.

"Growing up in an underprivileged environment can sometimes mean you're surrounded by the wrong people and you make the wrong decisions. Being educated about the different paths you can take in life is vital - especially during your school years.

"A lot of young people don't have focus and they don't know what they are going to do with their lives. If I hadn't had a dream, I could have gone off the rails and I could have had a very, very different life.

"I had a horrible time as a teenager and wasn't very confident. Between the ages of 16 and 18, I was also in a horrible relationship.

"If I hadn't had a love for music, I could have gone down a different path and become lost.

"I get a lot of letters from fans saying that I've inspired them to go for their dreams because of my background.

"Before I set up The Cheryl Cole Foundation, it had been niggling at me for quite a while to find a way to give back. I had an overwhelming sense of wanting to do something, so I set up the foundation.

"I decided that the foundation should help the work of The Prince's Trust because it of its incredible work with young people.

"When I was a teenager, I knew The Prince's Trust was the place to go if you wante! d to cha nge your life. I have always admired the Prince of Wales for his charity work. He really cares about our youth and wants to make a difference to young people's lives.

"Money raised through my foundation will support The Trust's work in schools in the North East.

"Initially the funds will help to run three Prince's Trust xl clubs for the next two years. These clubs support pupils who are at risk of exclusion or underachievement at school. They give young people a reason to stay in school and achieve qualifications.

"The North East feels like a good place to start because it's my home and I want to show young people that just because you come from a disadvantaged area, it doesn't make you less of a person," she added.

During her trip to the North East, Cole met some inspirational youngsters who have turned their lives around thanks to the singer and the Prince's Trust. (ANI)