Best celebrity feuds: Cher Lloyd v Cheryl Cole, Maria Fowler v Marcus Collins

Do we really see everything that goes on in glamorous TV land? What are the celebs really like when they are not at their perfect and pouty best? Here are some examples of epic celebrity fails!

Cheryl Cole and Cher Lloyd

Cher Lloyd best known as Cheryl Cole's 'mini me'! The pair had been inseparable until Cher said Cheryl needed 'autotune'! (Gasp!) And that a duet would only be possible if it were to be live! An angry Miss Cole hit back tweeting: "Be Careful who you kick on your way up ... They kick you twice as hard on your way back down... #unappreciationisugly" We don't want to get on the wrong side of our Chezza!

Maria Fowler and Marcus Collins

It all began when TOWIE's Maria asked 23-year-old Marcus for a photo and he was rude to her. Turning to Twitter she commented: "Drink down my dress. Marcus Collins who said he felt like he was workin when I asked for a pic #Bigtime."

Then later: "Ooh Marcus asked why I called him bigtime (because he is) I said coz u were rude so he called me fake n spat in my hair #ouch #big time."

Denying these allegations he tweeted back: "Does anyone know who this girl is? Whoever she is she is very Very rude and needs to calm down #whythelongface" and "Some people should be ashamed of themselves #homophobia will NOT BE TOLERATED @MariaFowler #Ignorant."

Victoria Baker-Harper, Professor Green and Millie Mackintosh

An explosive episode of Made in Chelsea saw Victoria threatening to 'slap' co-star Millie.

Millie's BF Pro Green voiced his opinion with: "Did I just see a horse say it'd slap Millie? Apologies, I'm nowhere near as dignified as the other half when it comes to these situations, I call a spade a spade, a horse a horse."

Victoria's response: "I'm so offended by your eloquent manner. Sorry, do you need a dictionary for that?"

Pro Green was then accused of having "F***** Half of London" Ouch! Victoria realised that a 'U' turn was in order, she tw! eeted: " My comments were not intended to offend anyone, just light hearted banter as far as I am concerned!"

Tom Parker from The Wanted, Mario Falcone, Lydia Bright and Lydia's Mum!

Lydia's innocent Mother's day picture spawned this grisly Twitter battle.

Tom Parker of The Wanted tweeted: "How ironic is that picture. Is that what you lot call yourselves these days for doing nothing!! #shocking"

Mum Debbie told him not to bother if he wasn't going to be nice with hash tag #benice.

Quite rightly! In the midst of war Mario Falcone was also called a "2nd Class Mark Wright" after he accused Tom of arguing with a woman who was probably the same age as his mother. Mario came out with his own little gems: "Is he the Ugly one in the band?"

Millie Mackintosh and Rosie Fortesque

Millie and Rosie have been at each other's throats since Rosie had an affair with mutual boyfriend Hugo Taylor. The posh fashionista spent last series bitching that Millie Hadn't moved on from the 'Hugo' thing.

Things got worse after Millie tweeted herself in a bikini with Rosie exclaiming:

"For those asking never in a million years would I be so crass and attention seeking as to upload images of myself practically naked on here."

Lauren Goodger and Jessica Wright

There has always been tension since the Lauren split with Mark, Jessica's brother. Lauren has accused Jessica and the Wright family of ruining her relationship with Mark.

Sources say that the once demure looking Lauren has had several hissy-fit rows with Jessica over this and continues to do so while Mark is happily filming his new TV series Hollywood Nights in LA. Waiting for the next installment!