Cheryl Cole woos record producer with her naughty lingo

Some women batter their eye lashes and pout, others bring along a top notch CV and dazzle with their achievements. But how does Cheryl Cole bag her record producers? By teaching him what British swear words mean of course.

Talking about how Chezza got the attention of 21-year-old Patrizio Pigliapoco, he revealed, "She's really funny. She was talking about w*****s and we didn't know what it meant. She was laughing. The funniest thing was trying to get her to go into detail, because she was trying to be ladylike. Then we got it!"

What great tactics, wed never had thought of that Cheryl. Butter wouldn't melt, eh?

The producer went on gushing about the Girls Aloud star even suggesting hed quite like to ask her out on a romantic night. But he doesnt think shed agree to it.

He admitted, When I met her I thought, 'Oh my God, she's gorgeous!' I think she's great. She's got swag, that's the word here. I wish I could ask her out on a date but she'd tell me no. She's out of my league."

But we think Cheryl might just change her mind when she realises how fiercely loyal Patrizio is to her already. The poor man is still in disbelief about how Ashley Cole could treat Chez so badly. Pat commented, I can't believe what happened with that soccer player. Who was that guy? How could a man ever cheat on this woman? That's just crazy."

Exactly what we say every day Pat. Ashley Cole, just who is that guy?