Cheryl Cole fans' hairspray spree

Demand is rocketing among girls keen to follow the leads of stars like Cheryl Cole.

Experts say hairspray is the "success story of recent years" and its use is up 14 per cent since 2007.

Sales account for nearly six in ten hair styling products sold on the high street.

Combined sales of hair dyes and styling products are also tipped to increase by six per cent this year to reach a record 624million.

At the same time, demand for home perm kits is rising as women seek big hair styles, according to the study by analysts Mintel.

It said: "Women want relatively inexpensive DIY ways to look good."

THE average woman will travel 25 miles, spend 264 and have their toes trodden on seven times during the post-Christmas sales blitz, a poll claimed yesterday.