Cheryl Cole had Prince Charles giggling over gaffe

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London, July 11 : Cheryl Cole had Prince Charles in fits of giggles after she addressed him as just 'Charles', the singer has admitted.

Cole, who diligently took etiquette lessons before meeting the P! rince of Wales, has admitted that she made a royal faux pas by calling the Prince by his Christian name.

The 29-year-old beauty has met Prince Charles on numerous occasions through her work with his Trust and her own Cheryl Cole Foundation.

"The first time I had tea with him at Clarence House, I had an etiquette lesson on how to address him," the Daily Express quoted her as telling Grazia magazine.

"But I forgot to say Prince and just called him Charles, which was embarrassing and someone started coughing at my mistake behind me to correct me. But he couldn't stop laughing," she added. (ANI)

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