Cheryl Cole feared plane crash
People News
Jun 29, 2012, 4:01 GMT
Cheryl Cole thought she would die on plane
Cheryl Cole had a terrifying experience on a plane where she thought she was going to die.
Cheryl was at Frankfurt airport in Germany recently when a huge storm hit just before the aircraft was about to take off.
The bad weather was right over the grounded private jet and lightning struck the runway just a few metres from the plane.
It left the 'Call My Name' singer needing her sick bag before the passengers made it into the air.
She told The Sun newspaper: 'We were stuck in the plane and just sitting on the runway and a bright massive flash of light hit outside the aircraft. I said to my friend, 'That's lightning' -- then it just didn't stop.
'I was so scared that I thought, 'This is it. I've got an album to promote and I've got so much yet to do!''
She continued to explain that climbing a mountain helped her tackle her travelling fear that day.
She added: 'We had to stay put in the aircraft on the runway. They couldn't even take us back to the terminal.
'When we finally took off about an hour later I was terrified we'd be hit by lightning in the air. But I remembered I'd climbed Kilimanjaro, so took a bit of strength from that.'
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