Cheryl Cole bounces back

WHEN told Cheryl Cole shed have a ball doing the promo for her new single she probably didnt think he meant this.

The singer mucked around with an exercise ball on the photoshoot for her latest track, Under The Sun, which is out this week.

The star hasnt stopped since arriving back in the UK last Thursday, the day after her and were in a car crash in LA.

On top of promo snaps and interviews, she also managed to fit in a pals wedding.

Cheryl headed up north on Saturday morning for the nuptials of an old friend back in Newcastle.

A source said: Since Cheryl become famous, ties from back home mean a lot to her.

The wedding was the reason she scheduled the visit back to the UK. Even after the car crash, she was never going to miss it.

Jaws dropped when she came into the room. Half the people werent expecting her to be there.

That guaranteed at least one person on the dance floor then.