Cheryl Cole's angry tweet to Daily Mail! Fight! Fight!
We havent heard much from Cheryl Cole lately, and if the news from the Daily Mail is anything to go by, its not worth on tuning in anyway.
The paper hit out at the singer today in a story that dubbed her Twitter feed boring. The article published asked readers whether they thought Cheryl is the least interesting celebrity to follow on Twitter, and then went into detail picking at her tweets back to fans, claiming that some were enough to send followers to sleep and sticking the knife in further by mocking her album title, giving her 3 words of advice "Learn to tweet!". Charming!
However, the usually quiet and reserved Miss Cheryl has hit out at the paper, and so has her management company. First Supersonic PR tweeted,
'If @MailOnline think @CherylCole is boring on twitter why do they always run a story each time she tweets?!'
Once Cheryl had been alerted of the article, she then went on to tweet,
'I wouldn't mind but what an ill informed load of crap it is SMH.. 3 words.. Don't follow me *eggs* haha (sic)."
Cheryls fans came out in their hoards to support the star, who then went on to retweet a rather amusing fans message,
on twitter we call them Daily Fail.
Very good. Oh we do love us a good Twitter spat!