Cheryl Cole for Baywatch?
We knew she'd been over in America trying to get parts in movies - but Baywatch? That's amazing! And totally unrealistic! Sadly for us (and probably every red-blooded male creature in the galaxy), Cheryl Cole isn't actually going to take part in Baywatch - but The Hoff would like her to.
While Cheryl isn't actually about to find fame in the US by wearing a scarily high-cut swimming cossie, she can claim to have a fair few famous fans over in the States. Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester admitted recently that she's a big fan of Chezza - and it's all down to Selena Gomez. The Bieb's beloved introduced Leighton to Cheryl's music when the girls were making the movie Monte Carlo together, and the GGactress has been a fan ever since.
"I love Fight For This Love. Its great," she says. "Although [Selenaand I] would change the words to make us laugh. Over lunch or breakfast, youd hear us singing things like, You gotta jump, jump, jump, jump, jump for this bread." We'd jump for some bread. Especially if it had cheese on it.
Do you think Chezza should take up The Hoff's offer and take a part in Baywatch? She looks great in our mocked-up picture, doesn't she? Well, except for the dodgy Photoshopping of her head.