Cheryl Cole is planning to add to her new tattoo.
Cheryl responded, saying: "of course!! You are unbelievably talented. Looking forward to having your work finished, see you soon :) (sic)"
It seems Cheryl has had a change of heart as she said shortly after unveiling the artwork for the first time she was "done" with tattoos now.
She said: "I actually got it five months ago -- but it's somewhere on my body you wouldn't expect people to see it very often.
"It was done by this amazing artist called Nikko Hurtado who basically travels round the world going to conventions."
"It was really painful but I think I'm done with tattoos now. It wasn't for any particular reason, I just liked the design. It took 15 hours in total."
Cheryl's other inkings include tribal tattoos on her right hand and lower spine, a 'Mrs Cole' marking on the back of her neck, a treble clef and vine leaves wrapped around her right thigh and a mysterious tattoo on her bum.