Harvey on the Cheryl Cole scandal: There was NO romance!

For the past two weeks So Solid Crew star MC Harvey has found him self at the centre of media storm. Harvey reportedly confessed to amallegeda secret relationship with Cheryl Cole, and Chez soon hit back to forcefully deny his "claims".

Now Harvey wants to set the record straight, speaking exclusively to heat (on sale now), the rapper explains whats really going on insisting that he never said that he was ever in a relationship with the Girls Aloud singer. So, what IS going on?

Once and for all, were you in a relationship with Cheryl?

Never. I never said that [I was in a romantic relationship with her]. I am mortified. Its made me paranoid and its got to the point where its become exhausting.

To clear things up, were you ever in a room alone with Cheryl Cole?


How did you feel when the story first broke? People believed that you wereclaiming to have had a secret romance with Cheryl

Devastated. I came out of the studio at about 4am [on the day the interview was due out]. I literally got back to my home in Surrey at about 5am and then went to the newsagents at 6am. I was so looking forward to seeing the interview, cos it had been such a big in-depth chat about my life and my career. Then I walked in and saw a massive picture of Cheryl Cole and the headline. My heart went into my mouth. I said to myself, My girlfriends going to leave me.

There are people out there who will think this is all just a publicity stunt

Why would I [do that]? What has me being associated with Cheryl Cole done?! Because all of her fans definitely wont buy my single after this. I could have done with her 1.5million fans buying my single. Now Ive got all of them hating me for something that I didnt do. Why would I want to be against Cheryls army?

Read the FULL interview with Harvey in this weeks issue of heat magazine on sale now!